
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Oh dear I keep loosing everything! OK I am so new at this blogging but I will try my best. Please be patient with me.

Firstly, i was shown google groups. A great way to email out to individuals in sports teams.  I love the fact you can share information with your entire group by sending one much quicker!
I can add more members to the group as well.

I really like the Jumping between the chrome tabs by numbering them too.

My google drive is a mess, so the little that i did learn today will definately help tidy it up.  I found out that it is not a good idea to send or delete a folder if it is shared.  Oh dear, I'm not sure how many times i have done that.  Better to use 'shift z' to ADD TO folders than moving them.

I thought i knew a bit about google documents.  I knew very little of google documents!   But after today i have increased my knowledge just a little bit more.  I now know you can put a table into a table.  I have created a poster about a disco which i would like to show but i have no idea how to insert it into my blog????

I did complete the Scavenger Hunt.  I am feeling embarrassed about how very little I know.  The next 9 sessions are going to be interesting.


  1. Kia ora Chaka,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It's really valuable for us to see where we can support you. I can show you how to insert your disco poster tomorrow.

    Am looking forward to supporting you as we continue through the DFI.

    Ngā mihi

  2. Tēnā koe e hoa,
    Nau mai, haere mai ki te ao rangitaki. E kī, e kī, kaua e whakamā, he haerenga mutunga kore te whai i tēnei mea te mātauranga. Kia kaha tonu rā e Apanui
